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ֶ ֱ Ͽ ħϰԵǾ Ϲݱ糪 ѼҸ  ⿡ ٻ ô: ֱ 20ϵ ȵ Զǰ DZ ִ ⸦ԵǴ°Դϴ. ´ٰϳ? ū ʳѰ ο 񱳵 οʾҳ ⵵! ű ܽ (ȫ屺 )å ͵ ˼־´: ̹߹ Ǻ Ͽ ¸ ʿȰ Ͽ Ŀ ƿ Ͽ ~ Ǻ 2000Ѱ 屺 ϿԾ Ͽ ô Ȱ󿡼 ׸ ̳ ִ ƴϾκ־ ׽ô Ǻ ϵ Ȱ Դ 21⿡ δ ʾҳ ⵵ Ͽϴ. 屺 θް µ ⵵ Ͽ ϵ ݿ ġ ټڱ׸ġ 9060 ȭ9060 1 ? 18 ̼Ű ιǿ) о 鼺 ǺϿ ܱ Ͽ ֱ ݰ ÷ȴ Ǻ Դϴٸ   ӱ <34>̷ Ÿ 2 ѱ Ž ȿƴٰմϴ. ſ ϰ շ Ⱝ ϱ Ͽ װ ӹ3⸸ 1592 4 13 ֶ ߻ϸ鼭 22 縦а Ǻ ؽΟ. 7 ٷ : 10 屺 ϰ. ̵ 12 ָ翡 Ӹ ﰡ ߻꼺 ࿡ ϴٰ 1595 ٵ dz · ƿԴ. 1597 Ϻ Ǵ ȭȸ ĵǰ Ϻ ħ ѷ   θް ٽ γư µ dz 꼺 ġ⵵ Ϻ ħϿ 8 â ȭջ꼺 Ű ߴ. 1599 쵵縦 Ͽ µ . λ. ߺλ. Ѽο Ǿ ưʾҰ 1616 â 翡 ƴ. ֶ ̶ 7⿩ ӵǴ ġü ȸ. Ұ ƽþ ﱹ ȭƴٰմϴ. ̼ 屺 Ͼ Ǻ Ȱ Ҽ־ٰ մϴ.

(ȫ屺 ) Goseo (General of Hong, kwak jae woo) 78
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ֶ ȫ屺 '' ƽó? ̷ Լϱ ߸ε ־鼭 򰡵 屺̳ ֶ ù鼺 ū Ҵ°Ϳ ~ ̳ ̵ ǽ Ͽµ 屺̵ Ḣ ǺϿ´: Դ ƴϾµ Kƺξ Ǻϰ ( Ǻ) 󸦱ϱ⸦ ̶ 󸦱ϴ´뿡 ϼ̴̾ ǺȰ ʱ⿡ Ƿ ֺθ ġϰ Ƿ ϴ. ̿ dz.â..ֱ ÿ ó ܱ ϰų ̳ 鼭 ̷ ⺴ ν µ ⸦ ϰԉѴٰ Ҽ־°ε ū޾ƾ ݶǹΰִ ӱ Լ ص ߴ ׶ Ǿ ̵ ġ Ǵ¹̰ڽϴ. ȲȲص Ƶ̸ ǺȰ ӱݿԴ ο ~ ӱݿԴ 1585 (10)34̷ Ÿ 2λ ѱ Ž ȿƱ⵵ߴ´䰡 1>ù° ̳ư ׶ ôν ~ ѹα ϱ Ż翡 nð 7 Ȯε 鼭 ~ ̶ ο 屺 ǵǴ Լ κϴ. ̾ƴϰԸ λ()010 77080339 ȸ翡 ̻ ǰ 氪 δȰ: ¹̶ 泲 Ƿ߽ ǺϽź å ⰣԾ ʰ ִ°͸ε ϰԹ޾ϴ. 屺 ֶ ǺȰ ӱ Žɻ翡 Ż 9060 1. 򰡸Ͽٰϸ ϱ⸦ Ͽ Լ 츦 ߽ Ǻ νγ ݶŰ ǽߴٰմϴ. ̼̳ ο ǽɹ޾ ° Ǻ Ȱ ݱ 屺 θͰ ġ ƾҰ: ̷ 屺̾ 400̳Ѿö Ǿ̾! ̳ Ͽ ߿Ǻϱ Ǻ ؼ 츥Դ å̳ ȭ ƺ̸ ȭƼ - 100̳Ѵ±۾ ̽ üƴ ݼȰڷ ų Ȱں ߵ å 屺 Ͽϴ. Ǻ Ǯ Ǻϰ ¸̲ ֱ Ѿտ Ʊ ̰ ܱ ϰų ݰ - ϴ ó ʸ̾ Ŀ 2000ο ̸ µΰϿ鼭 屺 ּ Ǻ ù屺 ¸ϰԵǴ´: ֱ Ĺ濡 Ǻ Ȱ ¸ϰԵ˴ϴ.

the hero of the japanese lnvasion of korea. General l Hong Eui- woo(1552- 1617), has fallen into the ranks of the public? The lmjin wae was a seven- year. and the real heroes seemed to have a high tendence to be treated even in times of hardship. ln the face of the ''distorting crimes'' of offering excuses to japan. others will leave old books called ''jejangrok'' in prison. Afterwards. the National MUSEUM OF KOREA owned it and came out to visit the country on TV? Although he could not take the type, he did not collect the medical soldiers with kwak jae- woo during the japanese lnvasion of korea (1535- 1623), but he served as a member of the medical school in the provinces. so he took government posts and abandoned his position in the yeongieong p avilion of Malyon several times. At the age of Malryon several amount of death by a memder of the joseon Dynasty who was associated with the treachery of an archaic official like Rhee ln- im, and in 2013. he was able to properlybilluminate the geratbflgures that were unjustifled in 2013. During the japanese lnvasion of korea. there were many great men. and when General Kwak jae- eating offlcials of the country werebusy fleeing. ln the end. king seonjo has raised 86 people to the rank of king Hojong to his subjects. as well as to the credit of his servants. who have been drawn to the plight of the people who are fleeing. ̾ Ȳ Ŀ ָ θ Ͽ ǿ翡 屺 ̳ ѽô뿡 ̳ ڸ ־ ߾ ȫ ŵ Ļ 鿡 θ鼭 ϰ ġ ̶ ô뿡 Ҹġ ӱ̳ ̸Ͽ ׶ ô븦˼ִ DZ۵̶ Ͽ ε ģʷε ̻ ѹ 100 ųѴ ģʵν Ǻƺ̴ ĵ ѹ˼ ־ٰ ҰԴϴ.When General Kwak jae- woo came in. he released his entire fortune and collected dozens of medical soldiers.~:General chen Gang- hong' to show dignity to his elders. or make a short march. We used camouflaged tactics to attack the enemy and killed the enemy. Later. more than 2,000 people followed suit. ln 1592. after commanding the ship at the end of May. 1592. the japanese army was defeated in a great victory and blocked the japanese army's advancing course. while the medical unit Kwak jae- woo's unit attacked the fleet going up and downn the Nakdong River to block passage through the waterways. General Kwak jae- woo sent his men to dereat the japanese army in the Battle of jinju castle. The soldiers from the rear attacked the enemy and won dramatically 

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