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*cheam and Dae yong teacher: venns is The sleeping is expected.the lake is sandy beach. from Naju.ln 1583 (the ancestor 16). he went to the Ministry of E ducation and training for the first time.and in 1591, he wemt to the amy to engage in the construction of the turtle ship. Wheh the japanese invasion of the lmjin war broke out. he entered the battle of yi soon shin and slaughtered the ball in vanous naval battles. in particular. he defeated two enemy presidential seats in the 1596 okpo Battle.At the rnd of the Battle of sacheon. he was shot and wound again in the Battle of Hansando.After that. he participated in the Battle of jeolla and the battle of Noryeo in 1598. ln such a major. he was appointed to the Gimjin Gyeonggi in 1594. ln the postwar era.it was created by devising a sash ln 1610[Gwanghae ~gun 2]. it was destroyed by Namhae -gun and devised and built a hanging line called Haechusan. ln 1611,

He is a major and a blue major. lt is regarded as a shipyard engineer who can not find any analogy in ourhistoty.//: ֶ źϼ üϳ 'ü' Ȱں ܱ μ ״ Ȳ ѱ̿ܿܵ  ʾҳ⵵ ϴ ű Ŀ ġε ϸ: ̶ܱϽô ѱϸ Ȱں ڸ ü µ Ÿڱ ~纻 ġ ܱν ŸǼå̳ ߺ ߵƾҰ ¹ åü̶ Ҽֽϴ. 뷫 ڸ ġ 80 / ~ ٽñ  ʾҰ̸ Ѹ ڰ µ ǰ̻ ȣ ̿ ڵ ̵Ǿֽϴ. : 19.5cm. ǷϿ ̼ 屺ǰ̳ ü Ȱں 2 ̼ں ׹ 쿡 ݰ ؿ ݾ׵  ǰ ̼ ģ ݵ ̻ Ͽ մϴ. 30.5cm. 

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ֶ źϼ ü 뼱 'ü' Ȱں ܱ: ln the period of lmtinwaerah, the shipwright'// 28 languages
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ֶ źϼ üϳ 'ü' Ȱں ܱε Ͽ 400̳Ѵ Ⱓ ̷Ե Ѹ鸸 ° ̴ ε ϸ ѹ̳ ǰ̻ °Դϴ. ٸå̳ ߺ ٷø ϰ ȱ״ ۷ε ϸ: ü . [ü ] 1993⿡ Ͽ. åγ ڵ ϰ ~ ѱ۷ ̾ Ǽ ѱǿ ΰϴ ˼ִ ϰԴϴ. ׷ٺϵ ådz ߵ 뿡 ̾ȵǰų üȭȭص DZ ª鿡 ȭ. Ƽ. ͳ. ջ̾ ϴµ ȭǸü޵ ̰ڽϴ. ̼ Ƽε 濵Ͽ ۵ ϺѰԵ ٽú 濵μ. ǰؼ ̳ ڱ鿡 µ ȭ깰޵ ü Ȱں ܱϵ ڴ½ô ô źϼ ڳ ū 鵵 ϸ ü ̼ڿ ü ű1 Ǿ Ȱ⸦ Oµϸ? °ϴ±׳ ̳ ƴϵǴ ڽ sns ÷ ҰԴϴ.

che Han Nam sensei: lt was written in 1983 that it recorded the activities of the Turtle ship dried up during the japanese lnvasion of korea (l Dae yong 1556~ 1612). configuration. main text. foot. Respectively. However. foot is Na jong Hwan lt was written by Na Gyoung. The book and foot describe the process of publi cation The text is the line. Traveling. Degree. And so on. ln the course of his work, he explored the construction of the turtle ship. looking for who was appointed as a chief investigator. and described his activities during the lmjin War.

The main building of Dae Yong is venus. The sleeping is expected Ho is from North korea. ln 1583 (the ancestor 16). he went to the Ministry of Health and welfare and practicticed training. li 1591. he went into the ammy under the supervision of the Attdrmey Yi soon shin and participated in the construction of the turtle ship when the japanese invasion of japan occurred. many years ago. the ball was sacked. He was appointted as a major in Gangjin in 1594 since then. he has served as a high school graduate. lt was defeated in the kyodong investigation to observe the Gyeonggi Fortress in 1611 [16]He died. ln 1974. the descendants commemorated the Dae yong Memorial service to honor the Dae yong national Achievement Award and the spirit of nationalism. since then. hehas published ln 1977. a small bull was erected to orient Dae Yong. (source: Honam Record cultural Heritage. Honam province) Width: 19.5cm.

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when l went to a high speed boat at the time of the production of the turtle ship of Na Dae- yong. which was a bell of {yi Sun- shin 1545~ 1598}. l was tilted sidewaysat the turn of the left- To the death of the soldiers. lt was who survived the terrifying turtles. Many soldiers and generals were surpnsed by the death of the soldiers/ l suspect that Dae Yong received many cnticisms and criticiZED HIMSELF. after the incident. General A dmiral Yi sun shin reclaimed the turtle ship again. lt seems that the Turtle ship in the Joseon Dynasty was not going to be washed away. The ships around the ship surrounded by the outskirts of the ship. the military turbo ship's anticipation of the work of the turtle ship with a lot of cannons equipped with a long distance - lt seems that the eruption times of the dragon dogs have been such that the hedgehog ~like windows around the dogs did not allow them to slip around. As a result of the battle of Baekjeon Baekseung. The victory of not telling the death to the enemy that the enrmy did not do this even in the death, and

the victory that the Yi Sun- shin died by the work of the Dae Yong Yong ln the year of 1610. in the 2nd year of the Gwanghae army. it was devised as an enforcement order of the south sea. lt is said to have dried ln 1611 (3rd year in Gwanghaegun). it was defeated in kyodong investigation to re - injury in Hansando ~do. it will not be able to go to the Dozer Bank and will die on 1, 29, 1612 :/: ü Ȱں DZ ϰԵ ⻺γ Ȱ ̴ Ͽ: 2004⿡ ǰԸ ʺġ Ͽȭ ΰ ϰԵȴ. ϰ £ ޵ ö ũ ڸ. ̿. ¥Ͽ Ǹä 뿵γ. ũ ǰ1ȭ 3 ־? ϴ ᱹ޾ƿ Ȳ ε Ͻôº Ǻ ɰԵǴ λ̾ ڵ̶޾Ҵ ̵ ˼ֽϴ. ε ͵ £ ö 1ȭ ְ ϴ絵 ʸִ Ȳν õ ¸ ó ̵ ҷ Ϻȭ ¥ֶ κе Ѻиְ/ ̰̴ 濡Դ ʾҴϿ 횘ϴ Ͽȭ ֱ⸦Ͽٺ. Ͼﵵ ȭ̶ ڹ Ͻôº ġ˷־ ִ ڹ 1ȭ ġξ Դϴ. ǰԸ 鸮ٺ ̼ģ Ϸ Ͻ÷° ˼־ պ ó ġ ⿡ ű Ͽ ̼ڰ ſ Ͽٰմϴ. ΰڵ ġ ߸ ο Ȱ/ Ǹڵǵ 氪Ѱ Ͽ Ǹ ? ϸ鼭 ٻڰԼġ Ǹ ˼ ״ÿ ܽĿ Ȥó Ⱥַ <湫>鼭 湫 ̼Ű ڰ Ȥó Ŀܱ Ǹ ~ Ͽ: ּҳȭȣ Oٰ ҰԴϴ. 

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