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ļյ û Ǹ (1736 -1796) û 8
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û Ǹ (1736 -1796) û 8 Դϴ. yeonie bhaisaiyaguru censer eight deagons celebrating <1796 - 1736> Daecheong geollyung ´ ȣ մϴ. is in good shape do : 26 x : 20 26 diameter of 20
. 8 û ѷ Դϴ.                                                               . ǰ ⹰ ϴ.                                                      . ϰ Դϴ.                                                                  . ǰ մϴ.                                                                                           1. is in good shape do                                                                                               2. 26 diameter of 20                                                                                                   3. the eight s medicine be surrounded by He did                                                          4. a great work of the implications spear, so good                                                       5. actually looks clearly evident signs of views.                                                            6. genuine guarantee        . will 11 deliveries on friday, june 11 years 2015 in administrative office for a few days ago were bom domgwinpeuri intofive storage since the day hooked. straige location puts onts the cremation of a hign places fish caught, kept the hearer toeesogwan. and to open and close door, l don`t think wide, enraged over the dor at about eight, celadon l wadak has damage for the other slightly geolchiwiiyeo in line with arounstraddling a line with aroun d dragon statues of buddha that leveled toesog wan power sttaddling a line of gravity force of eight and amaseo the toesogwan by hand, while the dragon sculpture of buddha in a paper Nejght because even falling down a listener toesogwan, put upa turtle is a bit of repairs with the work of the roof next, including attaching two points in the lucky enough to possidle retum to the think that doesn, t mix in eight Dragons toesog waniljeok gimjeomgsil brother`s ashes since my doughter was born today putting dn my mother up and the finances 1300000 win`s hand and take itfrom yous Ligment, been b 10cked situation or not a myth he fails to curse and their favorite  curse of the toesog wan8, one eor vaunteer Buddhist Medicine only left the band was unbecoming of an incense burnerBal jachi and - A man greedy, too. and uibo her suffering ishis eye to relay gienhamnida. 
7. ⹰ Դ ǰ ѴٰϿ鼭 ̹ ǰ弳 ִ°Ͱ: 8 ̴° Ƿ ޺̳ åӿ ɷ Ͽ 鼭 Ϲ ƹ ݿϰ ⹰ ̽ ϴ. 
8.ϰ ǰ̶ ߿伺˾ ߱Ұ Һ к 1900̶ ռ ӿ Ⱓ ٰ ٷ Ȳ信 4 ź̸ Ƿɰ Ҽ ȭ 7 10 15 к Ⱦ
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ϴÿ û ܽĿ 1 ־ ȸ 2 ڳ ڷθ 쵵 Ͽo.  οԾ ޾ƺ ̿Լ 𸦰̶ װ/  ׷鿡 ޶! Ͽ:ڿԴ ̳Ѿ ǰݵ ϳ 翡 ġ O̳ Ǵܵ ̰ϴٸ  8 𸣴 ̿Դ ɐ ҵ̸鼭  ű Է Ǹ ɵ ̶ Ǿ ߸ ϴ ̶ ƿô ΰǻ ¾ʾ ϴ .                                                                                                                                                                                      
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