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2 Ȳ ȥ ڼ ̿ ° Ƶ ¾. 糪 (559 ~ 649)ô                        糪 Ȳ ô: > 6 ȣ  >634 10 Ǹ 9 > >10⿡ ó >11 Ҵٴ° >18 ̷..
  Dango joe retired father, and sui DYnasty to mixed - blood descendants of a noble family party the accession of Nero into the dangtaejong taewinyu a jailbird biserial second son born.
)painted a fixed by the articles of association of the same year 6>.Hyeommuun a natural natural calamity >.Get his wife for 10 years, >.The eldest son 11 years, that >.18 achieved daeeobeu l years
(five - five ~ 649 of the articles of association) tang age
糪 {°Ƶ} 626 - 649 Tang chacna of the escalating 626 to 649
̼ dz 51 ϱ ؾ. ȣ 뼺 뱤Ȳ <. ≯. ȣ Ҹ <. > õ 50 ִ 꿡 .
Dangtaejong isemin s jangan called at age 51 on freshwater, from hampung jeon A poet` s pen name is Emperor Taejong public functionaries, Daeseong daegwanghyo and away crista and northleast from the current yeocheonhyeon the forbidden city, 50 right now is neungho was buried in the mountains                                                     õ 637 ı ԱϿ 651 Ƶ 糪 <ġ> ı ٽ Ա
wu zetian 637 as a concubine of. commit suicide by Emperor GOjing checkjjeonmuhu taking control of the imperial ship
õ ȲĿ   õİ Ȳ
And Empress cheukjjeon muhu e. commit suicide by Emperor GOjong checkjjeonmuhu taking control of the imperial ship
  9 ̸ (. ) ٲٰ Ȳ ϴ.
will change the name of the country a week.9 and emperors up 6.9 years.
õ 83, õ ŽŹʰ ¿ ݶ Ȳ־ ڷ å Ȳָ 纸ϴ װ ٷ Դϴ.

糪 ûȭ ݵڱ {ǰ} Tsinghua myogeum of family Tang
    ȣ :
    ǸŰ :

                    (0)                     (0)                     (0)
<ǰ ڱ> ߱ ڻ縦 𸣴 糪 ûȭ ڱ 1// Tsinghua myogeum of family Tang
Tang Tang''scab'' that the rationale and ''produced'' waythe beginning df winter'sprestigionus Emperor mechanisms l 've got what yangibyeong to looks
糪 ''Ȳ '' ̶ '' ͵'' ۵Ǿ ѷϰ Ǿִ ̺ Դϴ.                                                                          

clear chunghwa dangtaejong to have written the Emperor 's uistory about a relatively laid down to clearly the Emperor 's history about a relatively laid down to clearly the produt.                                                                    ûȭ ۾ Ȳ ̷¿ Ͽ һϰ ֽϴ.
(The second son) 9 that, step by step of the escalationg chivalry hyeommumun nine years, daily routine expectable and that, the same year 6, era to that and have the ceetificate of incorporation, 10 tllat tlley have become become win daemyeongungused as inspired bx the manufacturer nimself of the article that there are printed the produot. 
(°Ƶ) ̶°, 18 ̷ ٴ , 10⿡ ó 11 Ҵٴ , 9 ־ٴ . 6 ȣ ߴٴ°, 10<634> Ǹ̵Ǿٴ°, װ ڱ⸦ Ͽ ߴٴ ֽϴ.
ڱ ¥ ̶ ϱ ϴ. This pottery is make it nard to conclude that as a pake easily.
켱 ûȭ ħ ѷϰ ߻ ſ ϴ. first, chunghwa sinking of the phenomenon is very good color formation is very good.
ln particular, while creating fake so ssyeo. THERE' s adsolutely no reason to a unmber of articles. Ư ¥ 鼭 ̷ Ǿ ϴ.
Targeted Trojan horse is consistent with the historical facts. ǰ մϴ.
Thispottery is drewfor color illustration s on pottery then turn back the cyanide at 13 degrees at first bays are processed backed and myogeum again more days are at 10w temperature in temperature circumoral backs with nigher 1' m the duty of officials in.
ڱ 켱 1300 ûȭ ٽ ڱ⿡ ÷ ׸ ׷ µ ٽ ٽ óϿ ¿ ̵ ϰ ֽϴ.
Ư ȿ ְ Ѳ  Ͽ ó Ϻϰ ֽϴ. lnside, especially godaesul jilhayeoand cook parts is a grain contains the joint like stone, perfectly stiffd.                                      ׷κ ڱ⸶Ͼ ̸̰: ʳ ̸ ̵̽ô ڻ縶Ͼ ⵵ .. ڱ⸦ Ͽ ߱ Ǹų? Ȱΰưų! ǸϿ αξ Ϸ Ի ټҳ ߱κ ǽ̰Ͽ ѱǸ Ʈ ű ڱⰡ ǸŵDZ⵵ Ͽϴ. ķδ 1̰ Ѿ : 2016 ̳ ~ ̿ ô̳ ϴ.
ڱ ϱ⿡ ٻ۽ñ⿴ ұϰ û Ǯ ٿϵ ϰų ٸ ڷ ϴ´ ٻڰ  " ڱ ʸ Ѿ° ⺻ ̰ϴ ñ⿴: ׷ĸ̳Ѿ ⵵ ο ڻǸŰ ϴ ǰǰ ⵵ô ȵŵ ǸŸϽð ںΰ θΰͰ ̰   °Ͱ Ȥó ǰ ںǸ Ͻô°Ժ ƴѰ? ƴѰͱ⵵: ͳݿ ī䳪 ̺ 糪 ġø ڱⰡ ° ̼ڶ ֿ ϴµΰͰ ġϴ¿ ǵڱ ߴ־ ġ ڱ ôµ ִ ڱ⿡ 糪 ݵڱ ׿. ٴ λ Ͻø鼭 - 2016ϴ./ ¿տ tv ̼ ϱ:                                              

ο ڲٸ ϰӱݴ϶: (1). - ϰӱݴض(2).ϰ ӱݴض(3)Ͻô° ҽϴ. ̰ ڲٸ ӱݴ϶ Ͻô° ̾ϴ. ϰϿ ⵵ ϴ Ұ οԴ Ҽٸ ֽϴ. ѱ ̼ ̵ձ ŻƮ̳  ߱ȭ ̳󱼷 ˰ֽϴ. ӱݴ϶ ο ڲٸ Ҹ οԴ ¼ ̴ ϴ. ̳. ȥ 纸 Ǿ ǽϿ ų ϰ̴ٴ ӱݴ ϰڴٶ Ͽϴ. ϰų ǽϿ ڱ Ѱ ΰ нǿ? Ǹû8 κ 2 ڱ: ̵߿ κ ʾ ߸ϴ ʺڷ  ϰ ļմµ ϸ ǷȲ ο ȿļմ ʴ° ½  Ͽ Ͽ ̻ ~ ȯҼִ ǾҰ 󼭼 Դϴ. 100%縦 ޴°Ͱϴ. 糪ӱ ̼̐? ׷ķ ߱ ȭ 糪ӱ ̼ΰ 輼 · Ѱ ҽϴ. ڱ ϸ ߱ ڻ縦 õ Դϴ. This old porcelain.. director of the chinese pottery companies should write a new dagree of worship of Heaven tellurian treasure.                ûȭڱ ׵ ʿ źǾٰ ٰ 1950 (̺庴 ) źǾٰ Ǿ ϴ.  
chunghwa, honey, you' re been initially heard the 1950 s, finally,
it was born during the Ming Dynasty Day when Byrd saw one of the most prestigious and winnara stsnd jeon gjeongdoeeotthat the birth.

׵ δ ۳ 糪󶧵 ûȭ ־ٰ ̴° ûڱ Դϴ. There nave been munheonsang events include cyanide in the wake of cong Dynasty TANG CHINA acually see is a win chinaware with cobalt blue diue diawings.. to currently available, but is said,
 ׷ ڱ⿡ ϸ ûȭڱ ׵ 뼳 糪 Ž ö󰡰 ˴ϴ.  But reversing conventional wisdom you' ve been doing in his cyanide, according to the pottery and TAng jeonggwanwinnyeon will be traced back to..  ׷κ 糪ӱݰ ޿ ϴµ ƴѰɷ Ǹ̰Ͽ ڱ Ұ̸ 50 ̳ ܼŸ ϴ  ? : ӱݴض! ? ƴ ʿܰ ! ӱݴض~ ϼ 뿡 ., ӱݴض ű ƴ ϰŰ ̴ ӱݴ԰ų   ڷ ǰҼ ֽԴϴ. ̷ ް ַ? Ӵ㿡 ӱݴԱʹ 糪Ͷ ӱ ߸ ȳε! ε ӱݴԱʹ 糪Ͷ ؼ Ұ̹Ƿ ƴϸ: ǿݳ ڱ⳪ ǰ̳ ǿ 糪 ûȭ ݵڱ Ͻó/ ݵڱ ΰԴϴ. ڸ°̴ ݵڱմϴ. ɵ ߱γ ȭ籹 Ĺ߰̾ȵǾ 󿡳 ̳ Ȱ ٰ麸ų ڱԾƴϴ ¥ Ͽϴ. 糪 ûȭ ݵڱⰡ ɰ Ʋ Դϴ.
Ͽ . ..̶; ӱݴ϶ 3 ̴ ϴ°Ͱ Դ ڱ⿡ 1% ¾ִ° : ڱ⸦ 40~ 50 ϴ ʸ ָ ̷ų ݵ ֹ ų Ĵ°Ըҽϴ. ѱ ߱ڱ ǸŸ ̷µ ϴ.

ȣ ۼ ۼ
ǰ ıⰡ ϴ.
ı⸦ ۼ ֽø ٸ е鲲 ˴ϴ.
* ǰ ̴ٸ ı⸦ ֽʽÿ.
ȣ ۼ ۼ
ǰ ϴ.
ñϽ ̰ Ͽ ֽʽÿ.
* ǰ ñ ֽʽÿ.
ȯ/ǰ ԷϽʽÿ.
ǰ õ ǰ ϴ.
pottery rosseodo, l have long been. and l saw the confusion is part to go. going in the world and good research has become from singhua can l hear your views about the birth of mind here at one point he once again * ڱ⸦ ܼ ǰ Ǵ ¥ ð ִ в Ͻþ?. :  ̾ȵɰ Ưȸ ϰԴϴ. Ͻþ Ͻð ȯ ɼֱ մϴ. /     2017 9 20 Ǹ 8 ó θ ߰Ͽ ſ Ӱ Ͽ ļյ 8Ȱ õ Դϴ. 1 ˾ø ٸ Ѱ ? Ǹ ӱݴ Ͻöϴ ƴ ˾ҽϴ. õ Ǹ ȣ ڱ⸦ Ͽ 8δ Ѱ ƴ ˼־, 糪 ʹ ӱݴ ʹٶ Ӽ °Ͱҽϴ. 
糪Ȳ ̼ ? ƴ! ϰ ӱݴ ض  ̰ 50 αٿ Ͽٰ ϳ? 45 ̽ô ӱݴ ҽ ȣ ̳ Ҹ ִ ε麸 ε ߱ ణ ƴѰ Ұ! ѱ Ÿ԰ ƺ Ϻΰ ̰⵵Ͽ: ̶ ϵ ε ⸦ ̸ ϱ⵵ մϴ. ׷߿ ︸ Ͽ ̼ ̱⿡ ģѿ ̶Ͽ ϵ װ ջ 信 ߿ Ѱ͸ иϺ. ׷ ӵʰ 糪/ õİ Ȳ Ͽ ֳ/ ٲٰ ⵵ ϴµ ⵵ Ͽϴ. 
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